
💸 Notion Recurring Transactions Tracker

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💸 Notion Recurring Transactions Tracker

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Who are you sending $133 to each month?

It's ridiculous how much we as consumers are getting abused by corporations who spend thousands of dollars to get you as a customer just to get you hooked on their new shiny product.

You are getting this sweet "free demo" just to find yourself 53 months later with a monthly credit card charge of $7 that you never even noticed. Maybe you don't know how to see all subscriptions on card, or maybe you are just not paying attention or think that you will use the app again.

Studies show that a third of consumers underestimate their monthly subscription spend by $87 to $173.

With multiple subscriptions, it's difficult to keep track of all your recurring charges.

Many people forget to cancel subscription they're no longer using, and end up paying for something they no longer need. In fact, 42% of people have forgotten about a subscription they're still paying for.

How many times have you gotten hooked by a new product, "just for a few weeks", but then forgot to cancel and ended up paying? If you're not careful, you could be wasting hundreds of dollars on your credit card each month on services you no longer use!

This is the time to take control of your finances and get rid of those money-draining subscriptions!

Notion is a powerful workspace where you can organize your life and work, but did you know that it can also help you save money?

Maybe you already figured out how to budget in Notion, but now it's time to take your budgeting game to the next level.

Over the last few months I have built and distributed a few subscription management tools and templates, and now that people had a chance to work with it and provide feedback - I'm happy to introduce the newest and improved version of the tool.

There are many new features and improvements, but the one that stands out the most is the "Paid" status. This feature allows you to easily see which subscriptions you've already paid for, and which ones are still pending.

Imagine that you don't have to worry about money

You would know exactly how much you're spending each month, and you wouldn't have to worry about forgetting to cancel a subscription ever again.

When you see how much money you're wasting on subscriptions you no longer use, you'll be motivated to take action and get rid of them.

If you're like most people, you're probably wasting hundreds of dollars each year on subscriptions you no longer use.

But with the Recurring Transactions and Subscription Tracker template, you can take control of your finances and save money each month. Just imagine if you could save $133 (average overspending by millennials) each month on subscriptions. That's an extra $1596 every year!

The Recurring Transactions Tracker Notion template is a game-changer because it helps you take control of your finances and save money each month. It's easy to use, and it's a great way to keep track of all your recurring charges in one place.

Still, wonder if ts this tracker is a good purchase for you?

Buying a recurring transaction tracker is a great investment is for you if: **

  • You want to save money each month on subscriptions you no longer use
  • You don't want to forget about a subscription and continue paying for it even though you're not using it anymore
  • You care for your financial well-being and want to take control of your budget
  • Your goal is to have a clear overview of all your incoming and outgoing charges
  • You want to save money each month so you can use it for other things

Our Recurring Transactions tracker is an essential Notion tool if you are looking for the following solutions:

Tracking bills and budgets could never be easier. By having all your transactions in one place you will be able to see exactly where is your money going each month.

Manage subscriptions and never miss a payment again. Cancel or block the subscriptions you no longer use to save money.

Track your personal income with ease, so you can see your net worth and exactly how much money you have each month.

Keep track of all your investments in one place, so you can see exactly how many recurring investments you make.

Track all your donations in one place and get a clear overview of how much money you're giving away each month.

Never miss a payment again! With our days until due calculation, you can see exactly when a bill is due and make sure you're always on time.

Track your transactions monthly, yearly, weekly or even daily.

Keep track of all your accounts in one place so you can see which payment method you used and exactly where your money is going.

Use this bills and subscription tracker app to see exactly how much money you're spending each year on subscriptions.

The Recurring Transactions Tracker 2.0 offers many benefits, including:

  • Bill and Subscription manager to save money each month on subscriptions you no longer use
  • "Single database with multiple views" setup to keep track of all your recurring charges in one place
  • Aggregations to see exactly how much you're spending each month on subscriptions
  • The approximate calculation to see exactly when a bill is due
  • Many cycles are pre-installed to track your transactions monthly, yearly, weekly or even daily
  • The separate property to keep track of all your accounts in one place
  • The ability to see exactly how much money you're spending each year on subscriptions
  • And more!

Is this template a dog sh*t or a good investment?

This is not for me to decide. Let me show you what the owners say about the first version of Bill and Subscription trackers:

"Its great" - Sophie

"It’s amazing I love it!" - Taylor

"Useful and designed well" - Jordan

"So far it is incredibly helpful" - Kendra

"Is really good, simple and easy to use." - Anonymous

"Very useful, easy to use and simple to populate with data" - Campbell

"I think it is really going to help me keep my money organized and track when various bills are due." - Gwen

"I really love the subscription/bill tracker. Haven't dove to much into it yet but so far I think its great, Thanks!" - Kyle

"It’s amazing. If you put in the work, you are able to see all your outgoings (and the calendar is a big plus for being able to visualise what’s coming up)" - Ashlee

"I really like it. You've already created all the possible views and ways to look at my subscriptions. You've done the formulas for me and made it easy to just plug in my subscriptions and see a full picture of all of my recurring subscriptions. Thank you!" - Dana

This Subscription Manager is a Notion template that can easily integrate with your Notion workspace.

It's easy to use, you can even reuse the demo data that is already imported. All you have to do is to update the details.

Now is the best time to buy the Recurring Transactions Tracker 2.0 because it's on sale for an early access program.

🔐 This purchase also comes with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Don't wait any longer, solve your subscription tracking problem today with the Recurring Transactions Tracker 2.0!

Click the "I want this" button to get started!

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